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Cell Phone Use

Unauthorized Digital Device Usage


The Dothan City School Board recognizes that students carry personal electronic communication devices. Schools Board Members also recognize that parents provide these devices for their children so they can be in touch in case of emergency.

School requires a students’ attention. In recent times, personal electronic devices have become a distraction in the classroom and also a source of concern; especially when used to video or take pictures of other students, or bully using electronic methods.

Please note that in case of extreme emergency, for example, a lockdown situation or active shooter, law enforcement shares that multiple cell phones and calls jam their systems and also false statements of the situation can be shared which often confounds the work of school officials, law enforcement, and emergency services.

For the above reasons, the following is being proposed at Carver Nine: 
The unauthorized use of personal electronic communication devices will not be allowed during school hours. Students are explicitly prohibited from using any type of electronic device to record audio or video segments at any school function or event, or to have the devices turned on during instructional periods. Transportation will allow cell phones on the bus if the phone is on silent or vibrate. Nothing in the policy shall prohibit a teacher or school official from allowing the use of these devices in a productive manner as part of an instructional lesson, approved specialized project, or for specific research with principal’s prior approval per lesson plan. Under extenuating circumstances (health condition of family members, etc.), students may be granted temporary waivers by the local administrators to keep the devices on.


  • If a student is guilty of unauthorized use of the device during school hours, the device will be taken and held by the school official. The parent or guardian will be contacted and expected to pick the device up at the school.

  • Violation of this policy for the second time will result in the seizure of the device and five (5) day Out-of-School Suspension.

  • Subsequent violations will result in confiscation of device thirty (30)-day placement at P.A.S.S. Academy.

  • Refusal to surrender the device when asked by the school official will be considered a Code of Conduct Class III-offense. The student will receive ninety (90) days at PASS Academy as a consequence.

  • Devices emitting notifications / sounds while NOT in use (i.e. in purses and or bookbags) during instructional / class

    time is considered accidental. However, if device emits notification / sound more than once in the same classroom, or in other classrooms, on the same day, this will be considered a violation of the Personal Communication Electronic Device Policy. Therefore, the above consequences will be issued.

  • The distribution or presentation of electronic recordings or video material of students that may be construed as illegal, forms of bullying or harassment, or may cause disruptive activities within the school body, will also result in a Code of Conduct Class III-Code 399- offense, and 90 days at PASS Academy as a consequence. Students guilty of this level of offense for violation of this policy shall also lose their privilege to possess any electronic device on campus for the remainder of the school year, and may be subject to random searches of their possessions to ensure compliance with this prohibition. The board also reserve the right to legally prosecute any student suspected of criminal activity through the inappropriate use of electronic devices.

    The school/board assumes no responsibility for loss, theft of any personal cell phone or communication devices.